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March - April in Review
I actually had not given up on this blog, I don't really want to stop it. I'm never sure what I'll put in it before I start but I thought it was well past time to do an update. Life got rather busy the past couple months, sadly not in the hypnotizing innocents and leading them into a world of corruption way but more of an I have a life outside theses websites way and it's sucking down a lot of my time. So, let's start with updates:
Hypno-Fetish has been updated a couple times and the chat program appears stable even if not everyone is 100% happy with it. I'm considering a move to a discord server, we shall see.
WMM - I have actually accomplished a bit here, I finally killed a bug that was keeping some users from posting uploads and we've done a lot of work to make the site easier to find on google etc. Finally I updated the story and journal systems with tools to make writing posts quite a bit easier.
I don't know when I will be posting more files, I keep intending it to be soon but this week is already full and so is next week. I have to rebuild my hand made bike after a weld failed and the table I'm building needs to be complete before I can do that. Guess I should have spent more time collecting menial slaves to do all these things for me. Oh, well, live and learn.