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Since I finished going through all the stories I was interested in, I'm now posting the ones I found especially enjoying each year. Here it the list for 2022.
Tuning Chloe - A father MC's his daughter to make her better. Mom is a bit oblivious to the whole thing.
The Master Gene - A fun story, and an EVIL place to do a cliffhanger. Hopefully he writes more parts
The Unknown Object - Boy finds MC device, boy tests it on family, it's off to a good start
Blowjob Class - An important reminder, NEVER be late to Blow Job class
Fucking My Oblivious Sister - Now that's taking a post hypnotic suggestion to an extreme. Fun stuff
Altered Arrangement - Sometimes arrangements need to change for an enterprise to grow, this is one of those times.
Gift of Orgasms — Cheerful - Very nicely done, a good story and a rather long one.
Phase Zero Clinical Trial: Response To Hypnozamine In The Human Female - A great story that actually reaches a conclusion. and our MC is even a good guy overall.
I Dare Ya - Pretty standard stuff, guy keeps daring a girl to do things she wouldn't and pretty soon she is doing them. Still, a fun read.
Introduction to Monster Capture and Summoning - One must be careful in the capture, care, and training of their monsters.
Alex’s Story - Fairly standard stuff, but some very hot humiliation
Puppy Farm - A fun unintended puppy transformation story
Beast of Bird-en - A very amusing story about a girl, hypnosis, and a talking bird.
Instant Soul Mate - A very dangerous device indeed
The Alphabet Tales — Blowjob Betty - A nice tale about a bitch that gets some comeuppance
Dark Whispers - Man converts lesbian using magic, lesbian starts converting others and making him want it. Fun depravity ensues
The Seven Secrets Of Mr. Magpie - A very enjoyable read about someone granted 7 secrets that connect to a poem. I've enjoyed the first 3 and look forward to the rest.
Enshrined - Very enjoyable and actually reached a conclusion.
Jumping the Shark Tank - A fun little revenge story, not really that much sex.
Affection Multiplier App: The Boyfriend - 50 chapters in and virtually no sex but it's heating up and each chapter is short(1K words) I'm enjoying the story.
Faith In Better Things - A fun little read about a moderately ethical mind controller.
The Fall Of Women - Definitely an interesting read about someone losing themselves to being reprogrammed to be a slave.
Five Days - A very fun story about a mind controller who accidentally picks up a slave.
Making the Grade - Enjoyable enough, student hypnotizes dean, student makes her his plaything, some surprises happen but it works out well in the end.
Jackass With Mind Control Powers - Oddly, the guy wasn't really a jackass, but it was a story with an unexpected ending.
You Shouldn’t Read This - You really shouldn't read this is a very nice piece of "subliminal" messaging written as a story
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Abby’s Mom - Not much sex at all, but I genuinely enjoyed this story.
Above That Ye Are Able - I like the way this story was put together, I can see why several other readers picked it too.
Absolute Love - Quite hot, but it has some serious humiliation thrown in.
Absolute Power (Warlord) - Not bad, but definitely incomplete and that leaves a LOT of unanswered questions.
The Accident (New Name Dan) - There's not that much to this story, but I found it amusing.
The Accidental Master - A nicely written story about a good guy who suddenly finds himself with a woman unwillingly calling him Master.
Accidental Master (Baerd) - This story worked well for me on a variety of levels, I enjoy the occasional good guy who ends up benefiting from MC even though they never wanted it style story.
Acts of Godfrey - This is another story that I simply like, not a ton of hot sex or good MC just a fun story.
Addiction - Not into dolls, but the whole conversion process was very hot.
Adolescent Fantasies - A fun and somewhat silly story for the comic book geek in us all.
Aesop’s Wager - Not much sex, but a fun wager either way.
Alan - Great Story, plenty of sex, it is incomplete, but at 28 chapters it doesn't really matter.
Alex’s Teacher - I don't know if all the anti-feminist stories are by men that feel threatened by it or just a coincidence, but this one's pretty hot and has some nice MC and humiliation.
Algorithm - In many stories I feel like the sex starts getting in the way. In this story I almost feel like the plot gets in the way. These are some MESSED up people. Good story though.
Alice Through the Lusting Glass - I didn't think I would like this story, but it was fun there is always more than one way to control a mind and this was a good one.
Alien Abduction - This explains SO much about alien abductions. Definitely fun.
Alien Son - Not bad, not my preference(the MC is too easy) plenty of sex.
All About the Hamiltons - Wasn't expecting much from this story but ended up enjoying it, loved the last line.
Always Ahead of the Game - Sometimes your MC device just doesn't work as planned. Nice fun story.
Amissum Codex — The Book of Loss - Takes a while to get to the hotter sex, this is more of a story than just a sexcapade. Sadly, it is incomplete
The Analyst and Mrs White - Not so much MC as fantasy fulfillment but sitll a hot little story.
And a Time to Forget - A sad story, well written but sad
Andi’s Escape - Hot, perverted, and a bit sad. Not all MC is fun
Angel - This was fun, it was nice seeing the "good guy" outwit the mind controller
AnimeCon Harem - Well written, not much sex, and almost a little too much plot. it's already 180K words.
AnOtherWorld - Nice fun story, reminiscent of Master PC but the main character had no idea what he was doing until it happened.
Anxious Housewives - There is nothing like watching a woman fight the inevitable, well done.
Are You Gullible? - A nice little story about instilling and abusing gullibility
The Armoire - If you enjoy sex with furniture this may well be your story. Still, it is pretty good.
At Your Service - Fun but predictable, no serious sex
Atta Girl - MC, Humiliation, Dehumanization, fun!
Auction - This is why all you MCers should be careful, not everyone falls prey quite so easily.
Average Availability - Enjoyable and filled with some serious humiliation.
The Awakening—The Vyartu Stories - This story reminded me what I enjoy most about MC etc. begging, I love to hear a woman beg and this story had it in spades. Incomplete, but complete enough to be a good read.
And that's it, I have now read everything on MCStories.com that I'm interested in. There will be an update as I go through and catch up on all the stories that got added after I started reading and after that we'll see if I do yearly updates or what.
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- Category: EMG's Favorite MC Stories
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The Baby Sitter and The Unethical (?) Therapist - Ok, perhaps a bit unethical, but definitely a hot story.
Baby Steps — Trancing Emily - Not bad, fairly well written, certainly quite devious but definitely a slow burn. Part 1 of 3
Baby Steps — Training Emily - Part 2
Baby Steps — Alternate Ending - Part 3 (ok it's an alternate ending but part 3 seemed reasonable)
The Babysitter (Hypno Tica) - I must admit I hadn't expected the multiple possible endings but there were a few surprises in this story and I really enjoyed it.
Bachelor Party - This is a fun story, but what I really want to know is what happens to the sisters AFTER the party.
Backlash - An enjoyable enough story, plenty of sex, but sadly incomplete.
Bait and Switch (Dark_Brother) - A very enjoyable yet incomplete story. When I obtain godlike powers I'm going to make all my favorite authors(this one included) FINISH what they start.
Be Mine - Always fun to see a story where the MCer gets more than they bargained for and then makes it all work out.
Be Polite Now! - This is not the greatest story, but something about it amused me.
Beach Babes - I expect it's just my mood, or perhaps it's the explanation to the unwilling one at the end but this worked for me.
Becca at the Bar - I usually enjoy humiliation more than this, but it is a good read.
Behind the Barriers - Quite enjoyable, I can imagine doing that to someone.
Behind the Scenes - Not overly sexual, but a nice bit of MC
Benched - Compulsions can be strange things and I like how the conversation between the two characters evolves.
A Benevolent Dictator - Definitely a bit of fun with plenty of good sex.
The Best Policy - A very fun story where a MCer discovers she's not the most powerful in the world(or the neighborhood)
Best Served Hot - VERY NC, and quite hot, a serious dose of geek revenge.
Bible Belt Redux - A brother accidentally becomes the object of someone else's desire to control his sister and she becomes addicted to his cock. Trouble does ensue.
The Big O - I think I read this years ago, it still works for me, but I do have to wonder about the lady that did all the enslaving, I'm suspecting she wanted it all along.
Big Tits Theory - Further proof that lying and lots of drugs can be so much fun
Binding in the Night - Sometimes you get an MC slave by accident, this is the RIGHT way to handle the situation and in the end they both ended up happy.
Birthday Girl - Not a favorite, but a nice deserved punishment style story.
Blackberries and Cream - Never make best against witches, warlocks, demons, devils, etc. Some people just don't read enough MC content.
Blackmail: Five Exposures - Nicely done revenge story, definitely worth reading, I'm surprised nobody's favorited it.
Blizzard - There really isn't much MC here, TONS of sex, a good story and 4 people totally devoted to each other. Well written(and complete)
Blue (Pan) - Apparently some issues shouldn't be taken to your parents. Still, blue ;)
Blue Ribbon - Enjoyable, but at a certain point the sex almost gets overwhelming.
Bluepilled - Not bad, but rather predictable.
The Body Scanner - Very enjoyable, had a reasonably fun plot and some good sex. Sadly it is incomplete but not sure that matters at 29 chapters.
Bodyslave - Gotta include any file where someone mentions WMM or one of my files and this one does both! Nicely written.
Booby Trapped - A nice little story, could definitely use a second part.
The Book - The one, the only, The Book. I read this when it was originally written and it's still good(and alas unfinished) today.
Bossing the Boss - Very nice and deviant revenge story, quite incomplete which is a shame as it could use another 10 chapters or more.
Brad Tries Again - Brad really does have terrible luck hypnotizing women. Of course he probably deserves it.
Brain Development Enterprises - This story surprised me more than once and that is always a good thing. The author wrote it through to the ending, but I do hope he writes a second part.
The Brain of Piacenza - Definitely not a favorite, but also not the norm for MC stories so I kinda enjoyed it.
Breaking the Girl - Rather enjoyable and I liked how the 2 characters ended up using each other.
Bridge Club - I'm not into the pimp scene, but the middle aged women turning into hookers and still talking like proper ladies was a lot of fun.
Britley’s Indecent Proposal - Not bad, mostly predictable but enjoyable.
Brittney Blowing - Not really sure why I enjoyed this, but I did.
Broad Cast - I enjoyed the story and the mechanism for control but it feels incomplete. Hopefully he adds more parts
Broken Wings - A touching story about a broken girl. Not overly sexual.
Brother Likes Boobs - This is what a slow transformation should be, I can almost imagine doing this as a series of files to take someone from being themselves to a busty boob slave.
Business and Pleasure - A very hot little revenge story about the power of pleasure
Business and Pleasure (Greyscribbler) - A nice slow transformation story where she never begins to realize how she's changing.
Business Reversal - Definitely the sort of software I write in my spare time.
The Businessman and the Witch Doctor - Ok, never saw this one coming, I definitely like it.
But I Don’t Really Want This - Very enjoyable if you enjoy seeing someone being slowly transformed because of desires they can no longer control even though they embarrass and humiliate them.
Bypass The Subconscious - Fun story, definitely very much a fantasy but fun.
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- Category: EMG's Favorite MC Stories
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Camp—Part 1—Ron Begins His Journey - I liked that the main character used his influence in more than one way, doing different types of changes with each of his conquests. The series is well written and has plenty of sex but is sadly quite incomplete.
Camp—Part 2—Ron Comes of Age - Part 2
Camp—Part 3—Field Agent Ronald Chaffey - Part 3
Camp—Part 4—Ron Begins The Program - It gets a little odd towards the end, but nothing too radical Sadly it's a cliffhanger that never gets continued.
A Campaign of the Mind - Not perfect but a good bit of wicked fun.
Candace’s Education - A well written story that was quite enjoyable with plenty of sex and 4 separate endings. Definitely fun.
The Candidate - Send a slut to congress indeed, still a better option than anyone running this year(feel free to fill in with the year of your choosing)
Candy Girls - MC Candy Crush with heavy humiliation... Mmmmmm
Card Games - A few drugs, a little blackmail, the perfect way to get your sister and her friends as your "willing" sex toys. Sadly incomplete
Caress Curse - An enjoyable little story about getting what you want even if it is a bit much.
Carpool Carnal Syndrome - Special tapes indeed, I like how he talks her into everything he does to her. Nice and hot.
Captured and Defiled - An actual complete story that's well written, LOTS of humiliation so not for everyone
Cascade Effect - Incomplete but definitely worth reading, a few linguistic hiccups but nicely hot.
Cassandra’s Late Lunch - This restaurant would do very good business almost anywhere. I'm in favor :)
Cassie Gets Caught - I definitely like the way this played out the obsession angle was fun.
Cassie Lee’s New Attitude - There is no MC in this story, just good old fashioned slave training and a lot of spanking. Well done anyway.
Cassie’s Challenge - Ahhh, the burdens of slave ownership, I think I read this once before, I am not certain, but this is how it should be in my mind(sadly reality seldom agrees with that)
Chain Reaction - A fun little read about someone who had no idea how he collects his girls.
Chains (Crialia) - It's odd that some MC is more enjoyable to me than others. This was more "evil" than others even though they all involve taking anothers free will.
The Challenge - A very nice story along the lines of I can't be hypnotized and then once they are they become totally enslaved.
Character Flaw - Well written and deeply twisted but not overly sexual(sex is described but it's more like a textbook than passion). I like how the main character rewrites the stories of those around him.
The Chelsea Dilemma - A very nice story about a girl that REALLY wanted to be a slave.
Chemical Concocktion - I enjoyed the story, always nice to see one with unintended consequences but it definitely needed a few more parts
Child Support - This story is not fun or sexy, it's closer to the truth about MC than the fantasy. But it's well written and I like the ending.
The Chill Pill - No real sex, but I did enjoy how the main character left the others unable to object to what he did to them.
Choker (baubleheadz) - A nice hot consensual MC story(if there is such a thing)
Chris’ Story - Very enjoyable, it was fun reading about how he discovered her kink and bonded with her rather than destroying her.
Clara’s Mind-Controlling Tweets - MC tweets that change a school forever. Plust tons of sex and humiliation
Class Reunion - I can actually imagine doing this, and it would be VERY hard and the right thing all at once but sometimes things like this do have a happy ending.
The Cleaners - I'm certain there are a lot of politicians that wish this service existed.
Coin World — The Flipping Coin - A fun little story, definitely could use a few more parts.
The Collar (Sinsub) - This is VERY intense, these are the kinds of things I dream of and have even worked towards at times. And the victim wanted it all.
Come As You Are - While I enjoy the story, the evil MCer in this story had better be really good at it or he and many of his subjects will be arrested.
Come As You Are - No real sex, but I enjoyed the ending, good humor.
Command Language - A nice fun little journey into MC through a control language.
Concentration - Not bad, I do love the get her to the point she will do anything to please you angle
Conception - There is something exceptionally deviant about this one, I like the way it worked.
Concupiscence - I enjoyed the story thoroughly, but it feels like it should be 4-5 times as long to REALLY work.
Conditioning Niki - The author is not the best writer, but I love how the main character conditions the girl he wants to need and crave him beyond any conscious decision.
Connections - A nice little story about a girl that never realizes she's being controlled and changed.
Consensual Reality - Very nicely done, I like the way a comedy of errors became real MC. Of course it also means that the man in the story is either an idiot or realized what was happening at some point and went along with it.
The Consequences and Rewards of Playing Hooky - A very nice well written story about the consequences of pissing off a Mind Controller
The Consultant - Not my favorite type of MC story, but I did enjoy the slow build and the bad news for the poor girl resisting the evil MCer at the end.
Contact Lenses - Fun story, lots of humiliation. Spelling/grammer needs some work.
Contract Review - Excellently done, I do not know why nobody has marked this as a favorite but I love the way the whole thing plays out and the main character never even realizes how hard she is working towards her own enslavement.
Control Software - This story didn't do a ton for me, but I think there are days it would have worked quite well so I'm listing it anyway.
Controlling Jennifer - I think I read this years ago, it's nicely written and fairly erotic but I'd rate it as good, not great.
Controlling Mona - Nothing surprising but quite hot and he does a good job of having fun with his various playthings.
Convincing Pills - I had expected this to play out differently, I ended up finding it enjoyable.
The Corruption of Candace Kraft - A nice little story about an up and coming supervillain at least if his slave has anything to say about it.
The Corruptor - Some very hot humiliation that was sadly combined with some rather lacking grammar that sabotaged it at times.
Cow’s Bargain - A VERY hot cow transformation where both parties agree and he slowly transforms her from human to pet/cow.
Crazy from the Touch - I like this story, it's not terribly sexual but it represents the bizarre side of MC :)
The Creep (Ice Bear) - It's long, and a bit of a slow burn but starts getting good by chapter 5
Cromwell’s Court Case - Definitely good fun, fairly predictable but definitely an enjoyable read.
Crutch - Very well done, I love that the "victim" pretty much made herself the victim and the guy helped her make it the reality she needed.
Cunt! - An interesting way to trigger obedience in women, definitely enjoyable.
Cutting Edge - Definitely evil and twisted, but a good read.
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- Category: EMG's Favorite MC Stories
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A Dog’s Life - A very good dog transformation story, I think I read it years ago. I still like it.
Doing the Stepdaughter - Simple straightforward, sexy
Doing Your Homework - Not long, not complicated, but quite hot and loved the last line.
Dollars and Sins - Quite deviant, but very hot I read this when it was originally posted and it's still good.
Donna’s Delight - Definitely incomplete, but still quite good and very hot.
The Doodad - I enjoyed this story, it could use more parts but they aren't needed and it was a lot of fun.
Doorway (Flem the Raven) - When casting spells, it is best you do them on a person or make sure that they're one time use. Doorway spells can be especially insidious but I think she actually got what she wanted.
Downsizing Lisa - Great story, it would have been nicer if his rival were shown to be a bit more of a bitch on heels but her slow transformation from Lawyer to slave is very well done.
Dr. Fox and the Trouble with Trent - Fun story, loved the twist near the end.
Dr. Fox and Wendy Warden’s Wrist - I definitely like the way the author things, also quite hot.
Dramatic Saga of Peter Q. Kleeshay - Nerd discovers hypno liquid enslaves family, grows harem. simple but fun(fairly long)
Drawing From Life - A very nice story with hot parts and an actual plot.
Dream - Nice, simply, VERY erotic
Dream a Little Dream With Me - I am SHOCKED that nobody on MCStories has this as one of their favorites. The struggle the main character goes through is great! I'd recommend the author but this is his only work.
Dream State - Beautiful and well written if a touch Long(165K words) I believe I've enjoyed every story JiMC has written. All 3 of them.
The Duel (The Persuader) - Gotta love a MC story where the one being controlled is the on that believes they are in control. Nicely done.
Dumber Switch - Simple, but quite enjoyable on the lines of device changes women genre.
Dungeon of Reality - and this is why we should be VERY careful when full dive VR becomes a reality. I plan to write MANY many games for it myself.
Dying to Live - This is another good story that I'm surprised nobody has favorited. There's some dark stuff in it but the hero is basically a good guy :)
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