
Diapers are Fun

A simple hypnotic file to teach you that wearing and using diapers is fun.  It doesn't make you wear them, it doesn't cause incontinence, it just makes you enjoy wearing them and helps you discover that wearing them is well, fun.

$30.00 each Add to cart

Curse Insidious Diaper Dreams

This twisted little hypnotic curse causes diapers to become a regular and permanent part of your dreams.  No matter what the dream you, or someone else will be wearing a diaper and it will keep happening night after night.  What's worse if you start having those dreams where you need to go to the bathroom in your dream because you also need to in real life the file will push you to keep on sleeping wetting, or possibly even messing yourself in your sleep. 

$25.00 each Add to cart

Smoking Makes You Poop

Perhaps one of my stranger hypnotic offerings.  Perhaps you want to quit smoking and need real life consequences, perhaps you have a diaper and smoking fetish.  Either way, this permanent file causes you to lose bowel control the moment you smoke a cigarette.  It doesn't matter where you are or who you are with you won't get any warning and you won't be using a toilet, you will mess yourself so you'd better be in a diaper if you plan on smoking.

$30.00 each Add to cart

Curse Cloth Diapers Only

This Hypnotic curse is intended for those that already wear/use diapers.  Upon listening to it you will discover a passion for wearing cloth diapers, choosing them over any other type of diaper even though they have to be cleaned and are much harder to keep from leaking.  From now on it's cloth diapers only for you.

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Curse - Behavior Based Regression

This is a simple hypnotic curse, behave like an adult and you can be one, behave in a childish manner and you will regress to being a child.  The more childish your behavior is the more of one you will become until you are nothing more than a little baby.  The file has protections for your safety and sleeping will let you regain your adulthood but when you behave like a baby, that is what you will become.


Behavior Based Regression

This hypnosis file was made for a user who asked me to make it public.  If your dominant forces you to dress as an adolescent girl then if you resist you will find yourself regressing and losing bladder control, the more you resist the more infantile you become with diapers becoming mandatory should you continue to misbehave.

$30.00 each Add to cart

Curse Can't Find the Bathroom

This hypnotic curse file leaves you permanently unable to find the bathroom.  It doesn't force you into diapers, but you will either end up finding unique non-bathroom places to go or wetting/messing yourself. Your best bet may be diapers but all this file does is prevent you from ever finding the bathroom when you need to go ever again.  Only EMG can remove this curse.

$25.00 each Add to cart

Curse Diapered Naptime

This hypnotic curse file is triggered by deciding to take a nap.  Once that decision is made you will find yourself saying "I don't want to wear nap time diapers" at which point you will be forced into them and to use them.  The more you act like a child and fight the idea of having an accident while diapered the more likely you are to have one until it becomes inevitable.  Diapers worn for a nap cannot be removed and the more you resist them the faster things happen.  Bladder/bowel incontinence will only happen while wearing nap time diapers and will not continue after the nap.

$30.00 each Add to cart

Inescapable Diaper Curse


This curse will burrow it's way into your subconscious mind so deeply that you can't get rid of it.  Even if you think you've shaken off the curse it will keep coming back in small ways doing all that it can to make you permanently and irrevocably a diaper wearer and user.  There is NO stopping this curse, it will do everything possible to trap you in diapers including forcing you to listen to the curse over and over again.  The end result is inescapable, you will end up in diapers


Baby Transformation Subliminal

This subliminal hypnosis file regresses you to an 18 month old infant who will forever act like a baby with no bladder/bowel control and a need for baby foods, bottles and pacifiers for the rest of your life.

$20.00 each Add to cart

The Diaper Dreams

This hypnosis file fills your dreams with thoughts of being little and being in a diaper, the dreams will happen every night but in time you will find yourself convinced that the only way to have them is to wear a diaper to bed.  True or not that is the price of your diaper dreams.

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Obsessed with Diapers

This hypnosis file leaves you obsessed with diapers.  Every time you see an ad, every time you walk past a display in  a store, every time you hear or see a small child your mind will end up thinking about them, wanting them, craving them and the obsession just gets stronger and stronger until there is only one choice, to wear and use them.


Can't Find the Bathroom


Day 28 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project. In this hypnosis session I'm going to make it very difficult to use the bathroom for the rest of the day.  That will be because you simply won't be able to find the bathroom.  When it's time to go you'll find yourself totally unable to remember where the bathroom is, where any bathroom is.  Even if you've used it hundreds of times.  today you'll have no idea where it is no matter how hard you search, even if someone tells you you'll still be unable to find it.

Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session



Comfortably Diapered in Public


Day 21 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project.  This hypnosis session will make it so that you find yourself completely comfortable wearing your diapers out in public.  It erases any self conscious thoughts and encourages you to be completely comfortable in them at work, shopping, anywhere you need to go.

Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session



Childish Swearing

Day 10 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project.  In this hypnosis file, whenever you are wearing a diaper and in a safe place your ability to use swear words will be reduced down to their most childish equivalent.  Gone are fuck and shit replaced with doo doo and others, the words will only return when you are out of diapers.

Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session

$25.00 each Add to cart

I don't want to be in diapers

It's not exactly a surprise, lots of little kids say those words, and if you asked and adult they would probably say the exact same things.  The problems is that you may not want to be in diapers but the more you listen to this hypnosis file the more you will need to be in diapers.  Protest as loudly as you want, the result is inevitable and it doesn't matter if you want to be in diapers or not.

$30.00 each Add to cart

Diaper Training Eraser

This hypnosis file regresses you back to when you were being toilet trained and progressively removes any memory of ever being trained and thus destroys your ability to be toilet trained and any memory of ever having been trained to use the potty. 

WARNING!!  This file permanently messes with your memory and is not for everyone.

$25.00 each Add to cart

I am messy

Sometimes the simple truths are the most powerful. This file works one simple phrase "I am messy" so deeply into your mind that you will find yourself wetting and messing uncontrollably.

$25.00 each Add to cart

Growing Diaper Obsession

This file leads the listener from no interest in diapers all the way to having to wear them 24/7 and use them.  It starts with a simple interest that grows and grows until the listener cannot be without them.  An obsession that takes you from beginning to end in such simple steps.

$25.00 each Add to cart

Empty Bladders Make Girls Happy

Sorry guys this file is for the women.  Listening to this file will make you realize that nothing makes you happier than having an empty bladder, and that you simply cannot let it be full or you won't be happy.  This may well cause accidents and there's a good chance you'll be wet before the file is over.  Be forewarned, Empty Bladders really do Make Girls Happy(should work fine for feminized men and transgender as well).

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