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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - W
The Wager - This is what happens when nice guys get MC powers. Not my favorite but fun
Waiting for the 20:29 - I enjoyed the way this one flowed, a nice "ghost" story with a solid ending
Waiting Room - Not bad, I like the way he gets our victim to undress.
Waiting To Be Impressed - A mind controller helps a boy have some fun with his GF, real altruism at it's best.
Waking Dreams - Now this is the kind of evil mind controller that I like, he doesn't just take her, she knows it and hates it and it still doesn't matter.
A Weekend Of Hell - Not enough setup for the MC but one hell of a comeuppance and some very intense abuse. Definitely worth reading.
Waking Up In Vegas - No real mind control(during the story), but the unworthy slut was VERY convincing.
Walk Away - I want to do this to someone, and I'll bet I can find volunteers.
WARPS - I really enjoyed the dysfunctional nature of the main character and how the plot was resolved more than any sexual aspect of the story.
The Washers - I do occasionally wonder if the govt has a group like this....but I know that they don't and it's foolish to think that way....true mind control is just a fantasy...
Watch The Birdie - A nice little twist, a fun scenario and a good read.
Watching Wendy - I enjoyed the way the main character discovered his powers, I'm pretty sure many a horny teen has wished for those powers
Water, Water Everywhere... - Intense and evil, but very effective training
A Way In A Stranger - I like how our mind controller actually ends up helping the girl even while he uses her for his pleasure.
The Way Women Should Be - I enjoy stories where the MC subject realizes what is happening to them far to late to be able to resist. This one was fun
What Dreams May Come (MichelleLovesTo) - I enjoyed this "ghost" story, it's a shame the author never completed it.
What Happened When Paige Lost - Gotta be careful making bets with evil mind controllers. Pretty sure Paige learned her lesson.
We Are The Abyss - Nice MC, well written, gets a bit crowded with girls about chapter 3 but nice content and conditioning.
WeaverTunes: The Perfect Mix - A fun little story about an unintended MCer who controls girls through music.
Wedding Bells - what's not to like in a good wedding story with a benevolent yet horny mind controller.
The Wedding Party - Not a bad story fairly well written, but I don't really like stories where the MC destroys a wedding or happy marriage(as a general rule).
A Week in the Metro - I like how the MC never reveals himself but just slowly corrupts his victim. Well written and fun.
Weighty Warning - Not hot, not sexy, but a reminder to those of use that dabble in MC hypnosis to be careful with the people we play with.
Weird Science - And this is why I stopped going to all the mad scientist lectures, people kept zapping me with brain rays and rearranging my molecules so they were slightly more transparent. Now I keep having the strange urge to say yes Mistress and I have to wear neon clothes just to be noticed at the grocery store. Yeah, Jukebox is definitely in a league of his own.
Welcome to the Neighborhood - I'm not sure whether I'd run for the hills or celebrate wildly if I had neighbors like these but it was a fun read.
Well, Meaning - A fun read, nothing like a MC who doesn't even know she's doing it.
What We're Thankful For - This one's pretty deviant but kinda fun, definitely NOT the mind controller to invite to thanksgiving.
What You See Is What You Get - A fun story and I liked the ending, evil powers won't be held easily at bay :)
What a Girl Wants - Not a favorite, but I like how the subject never really realizes how she's been changed and just does all she can to please her controller.
What a Jewel - Who says mind control can't have a happy ending. I really enjoyed this one.
What Do You Think About Me? Or: Carding - I enjoyed this one, the back and forth was occasionally hard to follow but I liked the method and how the characters came together at the end.
What Does Miss Fox Say? - transformation MC isn't usually my favorite, but this author made it a lot of fun and Miss Fox definitely learned her lesson.
What I Do - An enjoyable little story that ended before it got good. Note to other authors, don't write part 1 at the top unless you are already writing part 2 :)
What Is That? - This was a fun little story where the MC removed al the subjects memory of anything sexual and then reintroduced her.
...What You Wish For (b4uweremine) - Definitely fun, I think the genie got what he deserved and the hero probably went a little overboard but what the heck.
Whatever I Want - People being changed without realizing it can be fun, this story did a nice job of turning the MC into the victim
Whatever It Takes to Make It Right - I loved this story! Yeah, it was light on sex, but seeing the main character change during a series of customer service emails was perfect!
What's Happening to Me? - I enjoyed the story, but it's hard to believe you'll ever find a sexy girl working at the counter at the DMV :)
What’s in a Name? (Adam Bailin) - I enjoyed this story, the MC was slow and insidious but he got what he wanted and his victim never knew it happened.
What’s in a Name? (Julian Winslow) - Well written, nice revenge piece that was quite arousing for more than just the target.
What's New is Old Again - Perverted, evil, twisted, delightful. Need I say more.
Whee Hear and Obey - Important rule people, always pay attention to the rules of the game.
When the Need Strikes - Perverted and incestuous, but well written and sexy at the same time. Always avoid billionaires who want to make a strange bet with you.
When Trashy Met Classy - A maid makes a bet with her mistress and their roles are reversed. Not a bad read, I enjoyed it.
When Vengeance Goes Awry - When MC meets MC can always be fun and Lisa Teez is a good writer.
Where Are My Manners? - Well written, I enjoy a good story where the MC talks his victim into a whole new point of view.
Whirled Seriously - If you're going to try to mess with a will, be careful who you mess with... and how.
Whispers - I've never been a big fan of Horses, but the type of fillies he ends up with are right up my alley.
White Holes and Other Problems - This may be the first story that was actually added after I'd moved past the letter. Quite enjoyable, sadly incomplete.
White Noise(J Wilhelmssen) - A decent MC story and a excellent warning for would be controllers, make sure you control your technology or it will control you.
White Pineapple - Very hot, very intense humiliation scenes
White Slavery - Always be careful to make sure the person helping you isn't helping themselves. Nice read.
Who Bimbified Rosie Wabbit? - Ok, sexually not my thing but I loved the Dragnet take on a bimbification scheme. It was really well written and a lot of fun.
Who Says You Can’t Go Home Again? - A nice little piece of MC/seduction that doesn't go entirely as planned.
Whoever Has My Key, Owns Me - I enjoyed this story a lot. I liked how it played out from beginning to end and that the victim wasn't made to enjoy what had happened to her, just accept it.
Whose Dreams - I enjoyed the story, but find the title oddly misleading.
Why the Hell They Do It - Kinda fun and it does explain quite a bit about women and bathrooms.
Why You Never Write EMC Stories While Travelling - Good humor, a lot of fun, don't see that a lot in MC stories.
Wide Awake - Stories like this make me glad that Jukebox isn't a psychiatrist or hypnotherapist. At least I hope not... Oh, and stay out of my business too ;)
Wife Of Many Roles - I enjoyed the story, but the best part was the wife pretending the clothes didn't make the woman. After all, you do want you playthings to still think at least part of the time.
Wife's Sister Sister Wife - Nicely devious, a slowly evolving relationship and a man who knows what he wants. Excellent.
Willful Wendy - That's right all you hypnotists out there, it's important to listen to your subject and understand them or you'll meed the same fate as our "hero"
Willing Submission - I love how the female character totally loses control of herself to her deep needs.
Winter Wonderland(Jukebox) - Jukebox does an excellent job creating a snowy induction, further proof that anything can be an induction.
Wiped - Windshield wipers, another excellent induction tool. Wiping the rain away and all her thoughts as well.
Wish Fulfillment - A very twisted man gets a Jinn and tests her limits
Wish You Were Here(ChewToy) - I like the way this whole story played out. Chew Toy did a great job in allowing the victim to slowly realize what was happening but be completely unable to stop herself.
The Witch and the Watch - I found the premise amusing, the rest is pretty standard fare.
Wishbone - Changing Wife - Transformation isn't huge on my list of turn on's but I enjoyed this story and the ending was fun.
Without You - Haunting and depraved all at the same time, I hope that none of my property ever feels as empty as the character in this story.
The Wolf - Philosophy, Mind Control, Oral Sex, what more could any man ask for.
Women Only - This is why you make sure your MC club has a very exclusive membership system
Work Release - Definitely more humane than prison. More fun too.
Worth It (Ius Magister and Blue Collar Girl) - An amusing accidental MC story, "poor" Mr Wilson
Wrapped Around Your Finger - A long cruel tease the shows us all that MC can go both ways to everyone's advantage.
The Writer - I nice little story with hypnosis worked in, we all need to do a little research from time to time and it's good to have a helpful assistant.
The Writing on the Wall - Control through pleasure, a theme that resonates well with me. I enjoyed
The Written Truth - Oddly enough, I made a file like this a while back, I wonder if it was inspiration for this story or just coincidence. Either way a good read.