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EMG's Favorite MC Stories - E
E&I: The Founding of Mind Corp Division - Not my usual thing but nice, a battle between 2 similarly powerful MCers is a dangerous thing.
Eat, Drink, and Do Mary - An enjoyable little revenge story
Editing Reality Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created - An enjoyable and quite long story of the "reality changing device" variety, definitely some fun when the main character runs into troubles but in some ways absolute power isn't as fun.
Editing Reality Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed - More fun as the story continues to unfold.
Eight in the Box - A nice little can't control yourself number that once again proved be careful what you say.
Eleanor’s Pet - Damn, I knew I shouldn't have skipped finals at MC school. Fun read.
Electric Net - Not bad, definitely needs more parts.
The Element of Suprise - The mildest of MC, more "A guy seduces his wife" than anything else.
The Elephant in the Closet - Hmm, MC or just a woman totally unwilling to lose an argument? I'll let you decide, but it was fun.
Eleven Pages - There is a part of me that connected strongly with this story. Definitely enjoyable.
Embarrassing Emily - A fun story, but not as embarrassing as the title seems to indicate.
Empathetic - Not the sort of empathy I'd want, but definitely a good read.
Encyclopedia - Now I know why my mom bought that encyclopedia set years ago.
Energy Gulp! - 5000 words, one HORRIBLE pun. Not sure it was worth it :)
Enhanced Flavor - Addiction is a terrible thing except when used for MC
Enlightenment (Categorical Imperative) - a bit deeper than you usually expect from one of these stories and the main character fails to realize and resolve his own flaws.
Escape Room - I didn't expect to enjoy this story, but I really did, it was also nice to see one that has an ending.
The Enslaver - nothing shockingly new, but kinda fun
Enslaving My Hot Roommate - I like that the MCer realizes he went further than he truly wanted and actually fixes his mistake.
Enslaving Tami - Ok, this one is HOT, I'm surprised it's not a reader favorite of any of the regulars.
The Era of Good Feelings - While there is plenty sex in this story, it's the plot and the humor that really sold it. Definitely a favorite. Well done Dreamweaver
Erotolepsy - An enjoyable story, but I think more problems will ensue.
Eroticon Virus - Beautiful story, a lot of fun, plenty of naughtiness. Sadly incomplete but still worth reading.
The Eternal Quest of One Mindy Fuecher - This story reminds me of a song lyric "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all." Glad the main character figured it out.
Evening Commute - A nice little reality change MC story
An Evening Out - Not really MC, but a very nice little story.
An Evening Well Spent - Some people get what they deserve, that would describe everything that happens in this story.
Ever Hear The One About The Blonde ... - Great revenge story, be warned, blonde jokes.
The Evil Wizards Pet = That is either one VERY evil, or one VERY pissed off wizard.
The Ex-Girlfriends Club - A nice very hot little story, kinda wish there was another part but it's not needed at all
The Ex-Girlfriend Collection - A fun story, and I hope he does bring back his bitch again.
Exactly What He Wanted? - Another careful what you wish for scenario. Still, if he's smart I think he made the right choice.
The Experiment - A very nice story, lots of hot sex.
The Experiment (Mountain Man) - Well written and very close to many of my own fantasies when I was younger.
Experiment: Positive Reinforcement of Activated Neurons - Mmm, very nice.
Experiment’s Diary: Book 1—Jennifer’s downfall - While very good, this feels like it's the same story as Experiment by Mountain Man. They aren't identical but so much is similar that they are either the same person, share a brain, or plagiarism.
Experiment’s Diary: Book 2 — Brenda’s corruption - A nice continuation of Book 1, definitely not the same as any other story I know of.
Experimental: AI - An interesting interaction between a young man and an experimental AI.
The Eyes of Justice - Now that's Justice :)