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EMG's Favorite MC Stories - B
The Baby Sitter and The Unethical (?) Therapist - Ok, perhaps a bit unethical, but definitely a hot story.
Baby Steps — Trancing Emily - Not bad, fairly well written, certainly quite devious but definitely a slow burn. Part 1 of 3
Baby Steps — Training Emily - Part 2
Baby Steps — Alternate Ending - Part 3 (ok it's an alternate ending but part 3 seemed reasonable)
The Babysitter (Hypno Tica) - I must admit I hadn't expected the multiple possible endings but there were a few surprises in this story and I really enjoyed it.
Bachelor Party - This is a fun story, but what I really want to know is what happens to the sisters AFTER the party.
Backlash - An enjoyable enough story, plenty of sex, but sadly incomplete.
Bait and Switch (Dark_Brother) - A very enjoyable yet incomplete story. When I obtain godlike powers I'm going to make all my favorite authors(this one included) FINISH what they start.
Be Mine - Always fun to see a story where the MCer gets more than they bargained for and then makes it all work out.
Be Polite Now! - This is not the greatest story, but something about it amused me.
Beach Babes - I expect it's just my mood, or perhaps it's the explanation to the unwilling one at the end but this worked for me.
Becca at the Bar - I usually enjoy humiliation more than this, but it is a good read.
Behind the Barriers - Quite enjoyable, I can imagine doing that to someone.
Behind the Scenes - Not overly sexual, but a nice bit of MC
Benched - Compulsions can be strange things and I like how the conversation between the two characters evolves.
A Benevolent Dictator - Definitely a bit of fun with plenty of good sex.
The Best Policy - A very fun story where a MCer discovers she's not the most powerful in the world(or the neighborhood)
Best Served Hot - VERY NC, and quite hot, a serious dose of geek revenge.
Bible Belt Redux - A brother accidentally becomes the object of someone else's desire to control his sister and she becomes addicted to his cock. Trouble does ensue.
The Big O - I think I read this years ago, it still works for me, but I do have to wonder about the lady that did all the enslaving, I'm suspecting she wanted it all along.
Big Tits Theory - Further proof that lying and lots of drugs can be so much fun
Binding in the Night - Sometimes you get an MC slave by accident, this is the RIGHT way to handle the situation and in the end they both ended up happy.
Birthday Girl - Not a favorite, but a nice deserved punishment style story.
Blackberries and Cream - Never make best against witches, warlocks, demons, devils, etc. Some people just don't read enough MC content.
Blackmail: Five Exposures - Nicely done revenge story, definitely worth reading, I'm surprised nobody's favorited it.
Blizzard - There really isn't much MC here, TONS of sex, a good story and 4 people totally devoted to each other. Well written(and complete)
Blue (Pan) - Apparently some issues shouldn't be taken to your parents. Still, blue ;)
Blue Ribbon - Enjoyable, but at a certain point the sex almost gets overwhelming.
Bluepilled - Not bad, but rather predictable.
The Body Scanner - Very enjoyable, had a reasonably fun plot and some good sex. Sadly it is incomplete but not sure that matters at 29 chapters.
Bodyslave - Gotta include any file where someone mentions WMM or one of my files and this one does both! Nicely written.
Booby Trapped - A nice little story, could definitely use a second part.
The Book - The one, the only, The Book. I read this when it was originally written and it's still good(and alas unfinished) today.
Bossing the Boss - Very nice and deviant revenge story, quite incomplete which is a shame as it could use another 10 chapters or more.
Brad Tries Again - Brad really does have terrible luck hypnotizing women. Of course he probably deserves it.
Brain Development Enterprises - This story surprised me more than once and that is always a good thing. The author wrote it through to the ending, but I do hope he writes a second part.
The Brain of Piacenza - Definitely not a favorite, but also not the norm for MC stories so I kinda enjoyed it.
Breaking the Girl - Rather enjoyable and I liked how the 2 characters ended up using each other.
Bridge Club - I'm not into the pimp scene, but the middle aged women turning into hookers and still talking like proper ladies was a lot of fun.
Britley’s Indecent Proposal - Not bad, mostly predictable but enjoyable.
Brittney Blowing - Not really sure why I enjoyed this, but I did.
Broad Cast - I enjoyed the story and the mechanism for control but it feels incomplete. Hopefully he adds more parts
Broken Wings - A touching story about a broken girl. Not overly sexual.
Brother Likes Boobs - This is what a slow transformation should be, I can almost imagine doing this as a series of files to take someone from being themselves to a busty boob slave.
Business and Pleasure - A very hot little revenge story about the power of pleasure
Business and Pleasure (Greyscribbler) - A nice slow transformation story where she never begins to realize how she's changing.
Business Reversal - Definitely the sort of software I write in my spare time.
The Businessman and the Witch Doctor - Ok, never saw this one coming, I definitely like it.
But I Don’t Really Want This - Very enjoyable if you enjoy seeing someone being slowly transformed because of desires they can no longer control even though they embarrass and humiliate them.
Bypass The Subconscious - Fun story, definitely very much a fantasy but fun.