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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - T(2)
Time-Travelin' Telepath: Crashing A Wedding - An amusing story about an alien that needs to study human sexuality and a trip back in time to a wedding.
The Tip - Important tip, never piss off a mind controller, you can easily end up the helpless plaything of strangers.
TM Judy - I know a LOT of people who could use someone like this(and a lot of people who'd abuse being in this position). Pause88 wrote a great story.
To Brooke No Argument - Some very nice humiliation and use, Brooke is definitely in trouble.
To Sleep Perchance To Cream - I enjoyed this story, not exactly the usual mind control and I'm not sure how the "clinic" makes money but if they sell videos I'm buying.
Tock - I love the way this story is formatted, the way the victim tells about what happened to her, and how she came to be where she is. This is VERY well done. Sara Castle is a good writer.
Too Many Wishes - Well thought out, I like the way each wish twisted things a bit more changing what the one before it had done. Not a huge sexual thrill but a great read. Paladin is one of the best.
Too Many Wishes — Margaret - The sequel to Too Many Wishes, I enjoyed the story but there's no real sex in it. Still, Paladin is a good writer and it has a clever plot. He's quickly becoming a favorite.
Too Much, Too Soon - When dabbling in MC it is always best to be careful what you wish for. This man got his wish but also lost. Lots of puppy play, but well written.
Total Control Protocol - Nicely written, a man methodically takes control of a woman who is living with him.
Totem - Magical totem makes a young man irresistable to women including family. Well done but predictable.
Touch (Tan) - Being able to have anyone you want just by touching them might sound wonderful, but like Midas, it comes with a VERY high price.
Touchy Feely - Nice little massage induction, decent story, consensual MC overall.
A Touch of Green - Sixteen parts and an actual finished story that I enjoyed thoroughly, still, definitely not a wank story.
Tourist Attraction - Always beware the nice man with the shiny watch. I don't think Jill won the game, but winning isn't everything.
The Train - A nicely written story about a strange that involves himself in the relationship between to teenagers on a train, helping their relationship grow and involve him.
Train of Thought - I nicely written induction using the sounds of a train and then some nice ff sex. A pleasant diversion that proves anything can be an induction.
The Trainer - Tess has a personal trainer that certainly has a way with words, just a few short weeks and she's a whole new woman.
The Training (Tropos) - Looks like those advanced RAF training techniques work VERY well. Definitely a boost for moral.
Training Collar - VERY hot, I like the way it was written and the interaction between the characters. Well done Pervis Montgomery
Training Program for Female Executives - I nicely trans-formative story where the subject isn't instantly a slut. Sadly it all suggestion and never gets to the action. Unfortunately this work is incomplete.
Tramp Stamp - They say the clothes make the man, apparently the Tramp Stamp makes the woman :)
Tramp Stamp (If I Was Not You) - A nicely done story about a tattoo that turns a girl into a submissive slut.
Trance Music - A mind controller that cleans up when they're done. How quaint :) Nice story though.
Trance Plant - Nicely written, it's a good thing this botanist keeps his head or we'd have never heard the story :)
Trance Trance Revolution - Well written, the MC subject is slowly, subtly modified using a DDR machine by a well meaning MCer.
Trance-tory Troubleshooting - For most people this would be the weirdest tech support call ever. For this company it sounds like business as usual. A fun well written story
Trances - Nicely written, plenty of sex, an enjoyable read about a young man experimenting in hypnosis.
The Transformation of Doctor Faustina - You don't often see a MC story where the victim seeks out the MCer. Nicely done.
Transitions - Not bad, I enjoyed the controlee's slide into being controlled and her decision making process along the way.
Transmitter - An enjoyable read, some nice hot parts, but if I had that device I think I'd be a bit more subtle.
Travel Buddies - Nice story, a shame about the headache :)
The Traveler - This series could use a few more stories. The Traveler is an interesting background character you never get any idea about other than that he does things and is powerful.