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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - R(2)
Rescuing Catherine - Some evil mind controllers are actually evil and get what they deserve.
Resolve - Resolving to do something and doing it are never the same thing :)
Retirement - So, this is what you do when you're an evil mind controller and you retire. Good to see he's keeping the business in the family.
Return - Ok, this is not a sexual story, but it's a good story, and a part of me sees myself in the former Master. I could do those things, I just have never had a reason. Darkmind may be one of the best writers on the site.
The Return - This is a fucked up story, and while there is some hot sex, there's plenty of nasty and an evil revenge(well deserved)
Reunion (Allister Remm) - Another story of a good MCer, I enjoyed this one quite a bit because it wasn't the usual girl tries to save sister and get's enslaved against her will too. This one made her own choice with "a little help"
Reunion (Bawarao) - Sometimes revenge takes a little time, sometimes it's TOTALLY deserved and worth it. This would be one of those times.
Revenge! (Iggy) - That is an evil game and as always one best not to play.
Revenge of the Nerd: Bitch Sister - Not sure why I didn't read this one, definitely a lot of fun.
Revisited - I am not sure I have words to describe this story, there's something deep and disturbing about it and I don't believe I understand it, but it was well written and hot in places.
The Reward - I believe I read this story a long time ago, I enjoyed it then and again now. Sadly, it is incomplete just as it was getting good.
Rewind - Not bad, always be careful messing with time to fix a relationship, it may not work out as planned.
Rewrite - Magic pen lets a young man rewrite reality. Simple, but fun
The Right Boss For Her - Don't see a lot of stories where the MCer makes their subject more dominant. Twisted but well done.
Rigid - Always keep your best MC under lock and key or you never know who will accidentally use it.
The Riverglen High School Beauty Pageant and Charity Auction - As Captain Hammer once said, not my usual thing, but nice.
The Road Not Taken - An interesting story involving alternate realities. Kinda wish it was longer.
The Road to Hell... - Sublimninals, temptation, a wife than needs to relax, a VERY slippery slope
Road Trip (Dr. Quoll) - Hmm, plenty of sex, well written, but not really my thing, the author is obviously fairly intellectual and you can fee it in his writing.
Roadmap to Piece - Sometimes we have to make a deal with the devil to get what we want, sometimes there are sacrifices. This girl is one of them.
Room and Board - Not a bad story, I could swear I have read it before, that ot it's very similar to another I've read.
Roulette (sara castle) - Let's see, revenge is a dish best served insanely hot!!! Well done!
Rubber Ball - rubber dolls aren't my thing, but I enjoyed the way this story played out.
Running On Empty - Gas fumes, now there's something I didn't imagine would be useful to knock someone out.
And that's the end of the R's, I didn't find as many good stories in this letter as I'm used do, probably just luck. Next up Q which I'll probably get through in a week or less, there just aren't that many stories.