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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - P(2)
The Petition - Apparently it's not just what you sign, but the ink that you sign with the can be a problem. Nicely written, but highly incestuous towards the end.
Pez - Never considered Pez as a delivery mechanism. Nice.
PH Factor - This story is brutal, it's about revenge and it is not soft but it is well written.
PharmaMind - I'm glad she stands by her guns, it's important to have first date rules :)
Phone Calls - A stranger on a phone, a girl who can't stop herself. Definitely fun.
The Photo of Deborah Grey - If you use Lucifer's toys to get immortality, you'd better expect nothing to come out the way you want.
Photo Sensitive - I'm pretty sure these girls had no idea what was about to happen when they went to the mall.
Photographer’s Assistant - I like that he didn't truly convert the lesbian, just made her enjoy it. Nice story
The Pill Man - Nice story, heavy on the sex, light on the how.
The Pin - Ahh, if only it were so easy.
Pinp’ric - The description doesn't exactly match what it is, but definitely a nice progression of MC
Pink Elephants and Yellow Boots - Great, where do you find a pink elephant at this hour of night???
Pink Zone Warning - Ahh, the sacrifices we make for friendship :)
The Pissed Off Piper Of Harwood - Always pay the piper. ALWAYS!
Place Your Hands on the Grips - Robot stories aren't my favorite, but this was a very fun read.
Plain As the Nose in His Lap - I enjoyed the twist at the end. A fun little story.
Playing Games - Deviant and fun although I'm sure one of the victims wouldn't agree.
Playing With Fire - If you're going to help your friend play with a mind controller, best be sure they can't get you too.
Please - Just a couple having hypno fun. Nicely written
Pleasure Is Productive - A pleasant little story about a device to increase productivity.
Pleasure Island - I like how the chapters cover various transformations.
The Pleasure Shoppe - Sex shop, pleasure virus, lots of sex, need I say more?
Plié et Cassé - Hypnosis and ballet, it's a well written story even if not my flavor.
Pocket Passer - A fun little story about a user who gets what she deserves.
Poker Queen - Apparently I've been playing the game wrong for years. Gotta get me some of those contacts for a couple friends of mine.
Policy of Truth - An interesting premise that oddly includes no sex. This HR guy is a bit scary.