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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - L
There aren't a TON of entries here so I decided to do them all in one shot.
La Bandera Bella - Language tapes, another great place to subliminally train your future GF.
Labor Day’s for Working Girls - Some people are just too suggestible. I need to know more of these people!
The Lampmaker - I enjoy stories where people are actually smart, where there is a plot and I don't see the outcome immediately. This one was just that.
A Lapse In Memory - Not a bad story, it's odd getting parts of a story that only come together at the end.
The Last Bridge in Pittsburgh - A fun read which surprised me as magic cum isn't exactly new
Latter Day Sluts - Now this is a religion I could get behind, into, I would certainly cum to a few prayer meetings.
Lauren - Nicely wicked, I like how this one was written.
Law of the Jungle - Wonderfully done revenge scenario, definitely worth reading.
A Lazy Afternoon - What's more fun that playing evil games with friends... Getting to do it again and again...
The Legacy of Mr. Brooks - What do you do when you inherit MC drugs and slaves. Not all of us would do as well as this man did, I guess there are some of us with morals.
Less Than an Hour - A nice story where a woman is broken.
A Lesson for Laurel - Turnabout is always fair play with gold diggers.
Lessons (Pan) - An old favorite, changing someone while they're helping you do something they wouldn't normally do.
Let No One Put Asunder - it's good to see an abduction story where the husband doesn't end up crushed but wins in the end.
The Letter (a.k.a. A Cop’s Revenge) - Not bad, not amazing
Leveling Out - Hmm, not the ending you might expect, but definitely hot
Leveling the Playing Field - A VERY hot revenge story with just the right amounts of sadism, sex, and fun. Well done antiwidow
Lewd Dude and the Nude Prude - Some excellent MC based humor.
Liberating Libby - Fairly traditional subliminal transformation but not bad
Lie Berries - This is revenge, pure and simple and you end up feeling sorry for both the people involved but it is well written and hot in places.
Life Imitating Art - A nice story about a good guy who discovers he can sculpt reality.
Life Is Good - Sweet and simple, life is good.
Life, the Galaxy and Everything Else - I skipped a few hypnosis based stories, this one was not one of them. Not a ton of sex but it was fun
Light Up My Life - This is the kind of breakthrough that I need, VERY hot.
Like Mother, Like Daughter - Sometimes the deal we make with the devil isn't the right one, but the one we need.
Limits - The start of a series by Pan where a brother corrupts his sister, her friend and his mom.
Lindsay’s Story: Amphetylcholemine Hydropyrinase-5 - in some ways reading this story is what I imagine it is like to be on drugs. Bizarre yet still hot in odd ways.
Lingerie - I REALLY liked this story, MC Writer did a great job of describing a situation I could imagine happening.
Lingerie Party - Simple, enjoyable MC. Good fun.
Lip Service (Trent Wolf) - Definitely the sort of hypnotic session more than a few women need.
Listening to Jack - Not bad, pretty standard stuff
Little Goody Two Shoes — A Shoes to Fill Story - Hmm, I think these shoes may actually be overkill, but I'm not sure anyone else would agree.
Little Helper - Now there's an angle I haven't seen before. Very fun.
A Little Knowledge - When casting spells, make sure you know what they'll actually do. When enacting revenge, make sure the person can't get back at you. Fun and funny :)
A Little Pink Camera - A little fun, a little bizarre
Little Taste of Me - MC cum, nothing majorly new, but works for me.
Logic Dictates - A little MC, a little persuasive argument, a lot of fun.
Logical Fellatio - There has to be some logical reason these arguments don't work but I cannot for the life of me see them.
Long Day’s Journey Into Susan - Even MCers can be good people. These are some of the BEST, and there's hot sex.
The Long Road Goodbye - Not at all what I expected, I enjoyed it.
Look at Me - Not bad, the control is a bit simple but it's a good story
Loose Circuit - Yeah, something shook loose in her head. Nice fire alarm though.
Loose Ends - Another very fun little story by Jukebox. I understand how the main character feels ENTIRELY.
Loot Box - A very nice use for loot boxes, definitely better than the real things.
Lord Wolf - A fun story about a guy who does a good deed and keeps getting rewarded.
Lorenzo’s Massage Oil - A nice and hot story and even a moment of clarity at the end. I liked it.
Lost Toys - A long and involved series about a MCer who inherits a couple slave and then starts collecting a harem. Well written. Not listed here are 8 sequels.
Lost, But Searching - Evil MC is a hot fantasy, this is what should ACTUALLY happen to someone who tries it.
Lotion Potion - Simple and fun, thoroughly enjoyable
Lottery Winnings - A fun and simple table turning scenario
Lounge Control - Some men should not be crossed, this man is definitely one of them and his revenge is sweet.
Lounge Control — Darcy’s Next - A pleasant sequel to Lounge Control
Love Is The Strongest Bond - Kinda fun, a little sexy, and a HORRIBLE joke at the end.
Love Potion - Not bad, pretty predictable.
Love Potion No. 13 - Fairly standard, I did like the accidental part.
The Love Song of Cassidy A. Wainright - Could have used a bit more sex, but not bad
Love Spell Mistake - Definitely a be careful what you wish for or you just might get it situation.
Love Stinks - Another fun little story by Jukebox
Love Thy Neighbor - A fairly decent table turning scenario.
The Love Toy’s Reprieve - The good guy stories where a man tries to save someone who's been controlled can sometimes be even better than the evil MC stories. This is a good story.
Lovestruck - No sex here, but definitely the type of school assembly ever good mass mind controller should have.
The Luckiest Girl in the World - Hmm, not sure if she's the luckiest girl in the world or the most suggestible. Either way works for me.
Lucky in Love - Fun, nothing deep or complicated, just fun.
The Lucky Janitor Theory - Never heard of this theory, but someone is definitely VERY lucky
Lucky Tickets - LONG and well written, plenty of sex and actual character development. The main character is a bit whiny at points but definitely worth reading.
Lucky Tickets 2: Lucky Stiff - The second Part of Lucky Tickets. Even longer than the first one and VERY well written. Not a ton of MC but a good read, the author IS working on part 3, but he has been for quite a few years but published an update recently. Worth reading even if it never gets finished.
Luxury Pets - Fairly quick and fun, just a sinple transformation story but I like the quasi-humiliation aspect.
Lyra - Middle of the road, but not bad and it was the last entry under L so why not ;)