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EMG's Favorite MC Stories - J
Jack Easterly and the Island of Depravity - A nice 1930's serial with good humor and good sex. Great read!
Jacob’s Tina - Kinda like a confusion induction, the subject constantly off balance.
Jake’s Dream Come True - Nicely written, quite long and enjoyable with an actual ending! Well done Billy_Ray77
Jamie’s New Job - Fairly straightforward brainwashing for a mother daughter pair
Jasmine’s Story - A lot of humiliation, but I could never get too into the story.
Jaywalker - Not usually a big fan of world changing power, but it was well written and fun.
Jenna’s Dilemma - Very nicely written, I enjoyed this thoroughly.
Jennifer and Kim - Nothing new under the sun, but still fun.
Jenny Loses a Bet - When something appears too good to be true, it usually is. A good fun read.
Jenny Takes a New Job - Instructional videos are VERY important to every corporation :)
Jigsaw - Quite enjoyable, I liked the tables turning at the beginning. Kinda wish the main character had played with his script a bit more.
Journal of a Journey - A delightful little lesbian conversion story from the person being converted's point of view.
The Journal of Juliet Samson - A long slow build as the main character is converted from management trainee to slave girl. Nicely done.
Journey (Marked One) - Not bad, a bit simple, no real sex
The Joy of Chemistry - Enjoyable, but nothing terribly special, needs to move a little more slowly and develop the plot instead of constant action/change.
Judge... Not - She definitely got what she deserved
Jugs - Training videos, something every good MC corporation needs
Jukebox Hero - I gotta get me one of these :)
Juli’s Inititation - Nice little slut transformation
Just A Job - This one is a little disturbing, but a well done story that you could actually imagine happening.
Just a Little Wish - Not bad, kinda fun.
Just a Pill - I guess I can see now why she was nervous about taking the pill.
Just Arrange It: Priestly Actions - A delightful little comeuppance story.
Just Because They Serve You Doesn’t Mean They Like You - A bit messed up, and quite a bit of fun.
Just For Fun - MC or just 2 lesbians exploring a new fetish you decide. VERY hot. Part of me wants there to be a third part with obvious MC, part of me wants it to end here with the MC an unknown.
Just Go Along With It - This was kinda fun, not what I expected which is always a good thing. Sorry, no real sex.
Just Kidding - I read this before when it was originally published, still very nice and very hot.
Just Say No - FUCK this was HOT. I enjoy orgasm denial and edging and this was VERY good. May not be for everyone but SO tempted to do this to someone.
Justin’s Gift - Not a bad little revenge story, quite enjoyable.