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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - Y
As I work through the Stories on MCStories I probably won't do every letter as a single blog post but Y is a pretty short list. I haven't decided yet whether I'll backtrack later an add in stuff from whats new or if I'll create a blog post for it or if I'll just give up entirely after I burn out on this little "project" I guess we shall see.
Y B Lonely? - Not a bad story a little light on the brainwashing but some nice girl girl action and an easy read.
A Year In The Life - What happens after the mind control wears off. This author does a beautiful job describing such a scenario.
Yes, Mustard! - A nice little erotic hypnosis session with a little humor thrown in. I could actually see this happening, especially considering the author.
Yesterday, It Just Grew - Not the best, but fun. This guy may have a REAL problem if someone posts pictures of his penis on the internet :)
You Can't Deny It - Jukebox continues to be one of the better writers on the site. Watching the main character slowly break down to her MC made for a very hot scene.
You Spin My Head Right Round - A little predictable, but still fun, and what the heck, it's just spin the bottle.
You Tart - That was a very convincing spanking, I know a few straight women that could use one like that.
Your Ideal You - Not the best, but I was amused at how many holes the devil's deal had in it.
Yours, Body And Soul - Details a man hypnotizing his wife repeatedly and turning her from uptight to total slut he owns mind body and soul. A fun read.
You're All Mime - This story is dark, disturbed, NC and a bit evil oh, and it involves mimes. Not for everyone, not sure I liked it but it is EVIL.
You’re the Boss - The story could be longer, or someone could explain why everything happens, but I think it's better not knowing. Nice read.
Oh, and I added links to this post.