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Back to Work
At the beginning of January I took on a new job, while the pay is good and I enjoy it, it seems to be cutting into my free time and that means less time to be evil. Thus file making, website changes, and general evil have slowed down a bit. Still, I'm starting to settle in, and I have managed to record a bit.
I am still making files and plan to finish 3 this month, they will go to my patrons first, then move here and WMM.
I'm still working my way through all the MC stories and expect I'll get to the end of P sometime late this month.
I've also got someone working on changes for WMM so you should see a few new things there(new job = more income = updates).
I may be doing presentations in September at a hypnosis conference, more about that as it comes together.
Guess that's it.