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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - S(2)
Seasons of the Mind - Some people put together collections of words and call them stories, others create beauty and we call it art. This story is art and Maxmimilian Cummings is an artist.
The Second Machine - Sometimes it takes a lot of work to get your MC machine to work "JUST RIGHT"
Secret Journey - Another great story from Jukebox, Why don't I get invited to these kinds of Halloween Parties???
The Secret to Happiness - The induction worked into part 1 is VERY well done. First Happiness induction I think I've seen.
The Secret Weapon (Ice Bear) - An enjoyable little story that I read before I started my quest to read everything.
See No Evil - Not highly sexual, but fun, almost a superhero intro story.
See-Saw - Revenge is a dangerous game, this game even more so. J. Darksong did a great job.
Seeds - Not my usual thing, but well written and definitely arousing.
Selah - I really enjoyed this story, it's not sexual, it's just fun.
Self Help - Let's see... Always read all the instructions ... Never piss off the higher powers. Yep, our hero manages to fail at both. Fun read.
Seminar - A fun little story about a girl who is "sadly" unhypnotizable.
Send Command - a little predictable but nicely done, I'd take that upgrade to my phone any day.
The Server (Wiseguy) - Nicely written as usual, I enjoyed the way the story came together.
Serving the Babysitter...Once in Love With Amy - Definitely a VERY wicked babysitter, but she's very good at what she does.
Sessions - Not terribly long, but I enjoyed how the story played out and how Mary was indoctrinated and then trained to do the same to others.
Sex Education - It's always good to see a man take charge of an unruly classroom and get the teacher properly involved in educating her students.
Sexual Harassment - Not bad, some people deserve to get a little revenge and have a bit of fun along the way
Sexual Revelation - Not bad although I don't tend to be a fan of scenarious that end in world conquest :)
Sexy Situation - Fairly light on the how of the MC but I kinda like how she describes what she's thinking.
The Shade - I enjoyed this one quite a bit and the ending amused me even more.
Shaken Confidence - A nice story and the MC is subtle, but I'm not sure the title works.
Shall We Play a Game - I don't think Vondra ever had a chance in this rather hot MC game.
Shameless - Yeah, saw where this was going pretty quick. Still enjoyed it. Jukebox is good.
Sharp Dressed Man - Gotta work on that tech, not everyone wants to have sex fully clothed :)
Sharp Practice - Hypnosis and acupuncture, who knew?? :) A good read with some nice MC and sex.
Life has gotten a bit busy, but I will continue this project.