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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - S(3)
She-Wolf - Very animalistic, I enjoyed the story even if it wasn't a favorite.
She’s My Cherry PI - Every man with a wife like his deserves a GF like that.
Shine - Careful with that stuff it'll go straight to your ...
Shirley Wins a Free Trip - Free trip to an island you've never heard of, plan load of attractive girls, what could be sinister about that.
Shocking Origin - Deliciously fun, I enjoyed this story and it definitely aroused.
Shop of Unearthly Delights - A nice and arousing story about a guy who gets an unintended slave or two. It is currently in progress, but worth reading.
Shopping Assistance - Very important lesson, NEVER try to fire the Mind Controller, it always goes poorly.
Shortskirt Street - Dr. Kwan definitely does good work.
Shrink, Rapt - Downing Street writes an excellent story from the perspective of the controlee. Nice, hot, fun.
Sibling Love - I like the way the "hero" used his powers to disable the "evil" mind controller.
Sibling Rivalry - Hmm, not sure there's really that much rivalry in this story but the siblings definitely like Mom's new boyfriend.
Sid - Definitely not for everyone. This one will make you feel a bit sad, there are hot parts but there is no happy ending.
Sidhe Magic - Sex magic is always dangerous and tricky, but it would appear they managed to make things work out in the end.
A Sight to Behold - This woman definitely sounds like a force of nature.
Signed First Edition - I enjoyed the premise and it's well written even though I prefer more brute force MC(probably because I already know how to hypnotize people).
Silent Lucidity - There is something very touching about this story, Jukebox is a class act and definitely one of the better writers here.
Simon Says - Not sure when, but I'm pretty sure I've read this before. Either way, Simon definitely gets what he says he wants.
Simone - Nicely done, I didn't expect the twist and it's worth reading just for that.
A Simple Date - This story made me smile. No serious sex, but scifiscribbler wrote a great story and that's what I look for more than anything else.
A Simple Ghost Story - I like how the main character is never truly sure if his wife was possessed or not. Well played.
Sins of the Father - Not bad, I enjoyed the story, not terribly sexy but a good read.
SINtendo Whee! - The first in a series involving a very powerful gaming system that can really change your life :) Kris P. Kreme is definitely one of the better authors on the site.
SINtendo Whee! — Avatars - Number 2 in the series
SINtendo Sims - Number 3 in the series
SINtendo GameGIRL - Number 4 in the series, they're all good reads but I like the first the best.