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EMG's Favorite Mind Control Stories - S(4)
Sisters - Not bad, and yes, it is easy to get drowsy in a car so be careful who you let drive you around :)
Sisters (Cindy Silver Eyes) - NC Mind Control, humiliation, incest, Cindy definitely met the wrong man.
The Six Pills of Domination - I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this file at first but I enjoyed how the main character developed.
The Six-Month Rule - Not bad, I like the rule but couldn't possibly live by it.
Skankytown - Lisa Teez is one of the better writers here and this is a fun and enjoyable story.
Skeleton Key - DAMN! Wish I had one of those!!! Well done Jukebox
Slave Bells - I really enjoyed this story, the good guy had the right amount of good and the story flowed well.
Slave Chains - Another well written gem from J. Darksong
The Slave Pit - Not the best writer in the world, but I found myself enjoying it more than I should.
The Slaver Chronicles — Book 1 — Sam - Part one of a very long well written story about a man who can enslave women on sight.
The Slaver Chronicles – Book 2 — Search - Part two
The Sleepover (b4uweremine) - Accidental mind controller is always fun
Slut 4 U - Nicely evil, but sadly incomplete.
Slut-in-Law - A fun story about someone getting exactly what they deserve
A Small Punishment - Cute, disturbingly cute, but a well deserved punishment
Smart Drug - Nicely done, some very hot parts, plenty of MC what else could anyone want.
Smartphone Addicted - Always beware the geeks, for they will rule the world
Smoke Deluxe - When you take control of someone, always make sure that you give them careful instructions as to what they may or may not do. This guy got WAY more than he bargained for.
Smoking in the Boys’ Room - This one seemed boring at first, but got hotter and hotter as it went on.
Snoop - Definitely the way to handle people that go through your things when you're gone.
So much to lose - Lots of flirtation and an enjoyable story.
So Very Happy - an interesting glimpse into a controlee's mind. No sex, but fun.
So You Want to Be Immortal - A fun little story about an immortal mind controller. Sadly no information on how to become immortal.
Sock Cocket and Gussy Pirl - The description of this doesn't entirely match the story but I enjoyed the story and what was done to the girls.
Socket - Not bad, not as much sex as I'd like but I enjoyed the story
The Solution - This story DEFINITELY needs a second part, very nicely evil
Some Changes Made - Sometimes all a woman needs is to be totally transformed to actually become a good person. Radical, but true.
Son of Sleep - Fun story about the son of Hypnos and his exploits.
The Sorority Car Wash - Always fun to see someone accidentally become a controller. Nicely written.
Soulmates: PDA Phone - While I enjoyed the story, and the outcome, I felt like the main character was a bit of an idiot. Can't win them all.
The Soup Kitchen - A very enjoyable story, sadly I doubt it will ever be continued. New authors, learn this lesson, don't put that on a story unless you already know part 2 will be completed.
Spa - A decent read, the spanking in the middle made it better.
Speak Softly While My Master Sleeps - I enjoyed this story a lot, mostly because it was written by a controlee who's Controller was totally unconscious. A very fun read, AMOWAT tells a good story.
Speechless - Ahh, if only hypnosis worked that well and that easily. Well done Mesmerr very hot!
Spell Checker - I'm pretty sure the world does NOT want me to get my hands on such a spell checker.
Spellcheck - If you find a magic book and enslave a girl, if you don't want a harem, always command her to never use the book without permission.
Spores (Sidia) - Definitely a fun story, could use more parts but is technically complete.
Spiraling In - I enjoyed this story quite a bit as the MCer took every member of the family while the youngest one tried to resist.
Spring Rain - The story was fun, the pun at the end was painful. BONUS!!! Good job Chrystal Wynd